The disgraceful and brutal attack by the Prime Minister of Serbia, Miloš Vučević, on the student from Novi Sad, Mila Pajić, is the latest example of dishonor, arrogance, and autocracy. The Prime Minister, who attacked an activist from a position of power by labeling her a promoter of Ustaše ideology, a Serb-hater, and a destroyer of the state, is directly targeting her, calling for her lynching and endangering her safety.
Student Mila Pajić, whose only “crime” was opposing the occupation of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad and stating that we must confront the crimes committed in the past, dared to speak publicly at a protest that did not sit well with Vučević. She has become a suitable victim for the Prime Minister, who has launched a full-scale attack on her, directing, like any bully, his anger and frustrations towards those he knows are weaker than him. Miloš Vučević, aware and frustrated by the fact that he has no real say either in the government or in the party he leads, chooses his targets exclusively among those he considers unprotected, those on whom he thinks he can “exercise authority,” and those he believes he can intimidate and silence. Even for this government, known for its brutal persecution of anyone who dares to criticize it, such an act is unprecedented.
Vučević must resign for his attack on a citizen, student, and activist. It is the duty of everyone today to stand in defense of Mila Pajić—both international institutions and citizens. By doing so, we defend freedom of speech, critical thinking, and protect all those people and all those students who think for themselves and refuse to accept the uniformity, autocracy, and violence that the government generates, among other things, through such calls for the lynching of dissenters.
Novi Sad, August 9, 2024.
Photo: 021