Welcome to Academy for Democratic development
Main goal of ADD is to offer solutions to to regional problems and to develop state policies that would lead to these solutions.
Projects and actions
Jerkov: Maltretiranje Severine na granici je udar na slobodu govora
Maltretiranje hrvatske pevačice Severine Vučković i njeno četvoročasovno zadržavanje na granici između Hrvatske i Srbije predstavlja samo poslednji u nizu dokaza da Srbija na sebe preuzima sramnu ulogu koju je u regionu imala devedestih godina.Severina Vučković je žena koja se hrabro bori protiv šovinizma, zalaže za suočavanje sa prošlošću i svojom umetnošču i aktivizmom gradi […]
Vučević da podnese ostavku zbog poziva na linč studentkinje Mile Pajić
Besprizorni i brutalni obračun premijera Srbije Mioša Vučevića sa studentkinjom iz Novog Sada Milom Pajić predstavlja poslednji primer beščašća, osionosti i autokratije. Premijer, koji se sa pozicije moći obrušio na jednu aktivistkinju nazivajući je promoterkom ustaštva, srbomrziteljkom i rušiteljkom države, time joj direktno crta metu na čelo, poziva na linč i ugrožava njenu bezbednost.Studentkinja Mila […]
Nečuveni napadi zvaničnog Beograda na Majke Srebrenice i Muniru Subašić potvrđuju ko je faktor nestabilnosti u regionu
Izjave predsednice Skupštine Srbije Ane Brnabić i monstruozno manipulisanje delovima govora Munire Subašić, predsednice Udruženja Majke Srebrenice, održanog na komemoraciji povodom godišnjice genocida u Srebrenici, još jedan su dokaz da režim u Beogradu, na čelu sa Aleksandrom Vučićem, nastavlja politiku iz 90ih i tako ostaje faktor nestabilnosti na Zapadnom Balkanu.Vučić sa pozicije moći napada ženu […]
Istraživanje: Mediji u Srbiji relativizuju ratne zločine i promovišu ratne zločince
Vodeći domaći mediji mahom poriču ratne zločine, relativizuju ih ili o njima uopšte ne izveštavaju, utvrđeno je u Istraživanju „Kako govorimo o ratnim zločinima?“ Regionalne akademije za razvoj demokratije, predstavljenom danas u prostorijama Nezavisnog društva Vojvodine u Novom Sadu.U sklopu analize, izrađena je i publikacija koja govori o prisustnosti ratnih zločina, ratnih zločinaca i diskursa […]
About Us
Even today, 20 years after the last armed conflict in the region is over, it is clear that there are still obstacles to building sustainable peace and developing modern, democratic societies in all of the countries of the region, be they EU member states or not.
Main Problems
Poverty Brain-drain
Prejudices Extremism
Lack of Democracy Poor educational system
Inequalities Lack of Rule of Law
Our Team – Executive Committee
Our Advisory Board consists of our partners.
ADD’s donors are Foundations, Governments, Administrations, Institutions and Individuals who share our vision of the future
One representative from the most prominent NGOs and CSOs from each country is member of the ADD’s Advisory Board
ADD’s cooperation with institutions and national and/or international organizations of similar orientation is one of the key features of our work.
Former Officials, Presidents and Ministers, prominent intellectuals, experts, university teachers, researchers, activists and other prominent individuals are valuable members of ADD
Spetim Gashi – Kosovo
Dr. Blerjana Bino - Albania
Sanela Čičić – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ljubica Mandic – Serbia
Our Long-Term Goals
Long-term goals of ADD correspond to SDGs, but also go beyond them and reach even further
Regonal Approach
It has become evident over the decades following the last armed conflict in the region that none of the countries can solve these issues separately, and this is why we are doing something completely different – adopting the regional agenda.
Regonal Solutions to Separate State Problems
Everyone involved
All the solutions that need to be made have to be product of participation of great number of factors and include all of the stakeholders, rather than result of the agreement of political elites in each of the countries.
Our strength lies in the fact that we are all active politicians and decision-makers in our countries who can implement policies and solutions that are going to be developed.
Contact Us
Have any questions about us? Drop in or send us a message!