Urgent Action Required: Sanction the Attackers of the National Theatre Conductor
The Regional Academy for Democratic Development strongly condemns the escalation of violence in our society, the most recent example being the attack on conductor Ana Zorana Brajović following the performance of the opera “Cinderella” at the National Theatre, during which she expressed solidarity with students, high schoolers, and all citizens demanding accountability for the tragic loss of 15 lives in Novi Sad. This brutal act is merely part of a broader picture of violence and intolerance deliberately and systematically fueled by the authorities in our society.
The President of the Republic of Serbia recently openly encouraged his supporters to physically confront protesting citizens. The Minister of Interior recently threatened citizens and announced even greater use of physical force, while police brutality during crackdowns leaves citizens with lasting consequences. Such calls from the highest levels of government, combined with the failure of relevant institutions to respond, legitimize violence and directly endanger the safety of any individual who dares to voice dissent against the ruling policies.
We also recall the recent attacks on opposition politicians, including Dragan Đilas, the months-long targeting of students engaged in peaceful protests, and the daily dissemination of hate speech and intolerance through regime-controlled media. These actions are not only dangerous—they aim to suppress all critical thinking and calls for accountability.
We urge the relevant institutions to act immediately, identify and punish the perpetrators of all these acts of violence. We also demand that the President of the Republic and other government officials cease inciting citizens against one another and take responsibility for the lynch mob atmosphere they have created.
The Regional Academy for Democratic Development warns that a society that normalizes violence and hate speech is headed toward the complete collapse of democratic values and the rule of law. We will not remain silent in the face of this evident attempt to suppress citizens’ rights to free thought and peaceful protest through fear and violence.
Dr. Aleksandra Jerkov
Regional Academy for Democratic Development